Reproduction system
Hello friends...!!!! Have you ever heard about reprodution system???? How about the process and what are the genital organ of men and women??? Okey, I want to explanation about reproduction system.Reproduction come from word "re" and "production", it's means "menghasilkan kembali". The most important organ in the reproduction is ovarium and testis.
The first organ is ovarium. Ovarium is reproduction organ of female. Ovarium is a place to product ovum. The second organ is testis. Testis is reproduction organ of male. Testis is a place to product sperm.
The genital organ of women devided into two part, internal and eksternal. The internal organ are vagina, serviks, uterus, tuba fallopi, and ovarium. The eksternal organ are labia mayora, labia minora, klitoris, and hymen. The genital organ of men are penis, testis, uretra, prostat gland, and seminalis gland.
To be pregnant, it need some process. The first is sperm cell coming to the ovum in fallopy tube, then fertilization occurs. From the fertilization, zygoth appears and grows to be a baby about nine month. This is called pregnancy. So, reproduction system is really important in our life. With reproduction system we can keep human generation.
To be pregnant, it need some process. The first is sperm cell coming to the ovum in fallopy tube, then fertilization occurs. From the fertilization, zygoth appears and grows to be a baby about nine month. This is called pregnancy. So, reproduction system is really important in our life. With reproduction system we can keep human generation.
Score:B Good work!
BalasHapus-well-explained, nice pictures
Mr T